Monday, May 31, 2010

Only Me.....*sigh*

So today I went to an amusement park with my friend and mom. We were having tons of fun goofing off and riding all the rides; then we decided to go on the bumper cars....where something happened that could only happen to me. We were all driving around having fun when I turn one corner and THREE other cars do too at the same time.....thoughly jamming and blocking the other cars and getting stuck!! There was a whole line of people waiting to get on the ride and they had to call MAINTINANCE to get us unstuck. So me and the three other people had to get out of our cars to get them unstuck. I stood there laughing and embarrassed with another girl and we kept saying, "They can't just pull the cars out, no. They have to call maintinance!" It was really funny over all and I kept getting thumbs up from my mom and friend. Shortly after, the workers got our cars unstuck and get this.....the people in line applauded...of course! It was funny overall, but of course this could only happen to me!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

In Life....Sometimes You Need to Headbutt a Goat

"In life sometimes you need to headbutt at goat.." said a guy in my group at camp. Let me rewind a bit first. Our group at camp was going tubing that day. So we all put on our lifevests and headed to the mini river to go tubing down some rapids. Along the way we had tons of fun!! Some of the guys found an oar in the water and used that to propel them along, as if the rapids didn't do that enough!! We all laughed at each other as we flipped out of tubes, and we made long chains holding each others hands to get down the river. At one resting spot we spotted a goat. All of us went up to pet it except one guy in our group who tried to headbutt the goat!! Obviously the goat charged back in defense and the guy called the goat Satan. "Which is weird," said one of our group leaders. "Goats are suppossed to be holy." We got to the end of our tubing expedition and we had a devotional, since we were at a Christian camp. We tried to talk about how our lifevest and tube kept us from going under just like God, and how the counselors and friends along the way helped us get unstuck like in in life. We were having a hard time settling down and right when we calmed down they asked if we had anymore comments. Then a guy in our group said, "In life sometimes you need to headbutt a goat!" We all busted up laughing and couldn't see where he was going with it. Then one of our leaders spoke up. "I get what he's saying," he said. "In life sometimes there are things we know are hard to stand up to. But sometimes we need to stand up and face it because we know it is wrong." So let that be a word of some weird way....Stand up and headbutt that goat!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Letters to Juliet

Wow what a sweet movie. Now I must say this is a chick flick, but it does have witty humor with it! The story of Sofie, a young woman engaged to be married, who goes with her fiance to Verona, Italy, to meet with venders for her fiance's new restaurant. While there Sofie meets the Secretaries of Juliet Capulet. Young girls from all around the world come to Juliet's house to write her letters asking for help, and the secretaries reply to all of the letters that contain return addresses. Sofie joins them and finds a letter that had been hidden since the 1950s. Sofie replies to Claire Smith, the woman who wrote the letter, and soon after Claire and her grandson Charlie arrive in Verona! Sofie goes on an adventure to find Claire's lover Lerenzo Bartollini. Such a cute movie!! Guys however.....well if you have a girlfriend she might appreciate it if you took her to see it!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Adventures of a Junior Counselor

With summer comes me being a Jr. Counselor at camp. I usually work with the younger kids that are about 5 or 6 years old. Well one day we're bringing the kids in from the pool to change back into their clothes. I notice that one little girl is crying so I pull her aside and tell the other kids to go on and change. I'm trying to comfort the little girl who misses her mom by telling her that her mom would pick her up after camp and telling her I would hang out with her for the rest of the day. Right when the little girl stops crying, a boy in my group named George, bursts out of the boys bathroom (which we were standing in front of) with nothing but a towel that threatens to fall if I hadn't caught it. 'I left my bag of clothes in the commons!!' George yells out. I quickly wrap the towel around George and tell him I will go and get his clothes. The little girl I was just comforting stands there looking stunned. I usher her into the girls bathroom and grab George's bag. I return to the outside of the boys bathroom, where little George is waiting with his SpiderMan swim trunks on once more. With an impish grin, he blushes says thank you and runs back into the restroom. As crazy as it sounds I love being a Jr. Counselor and can't wait for camp to start this year!

Of Course

So today I was supposed to go to workouts today, but as usual there was miscommunication with our trainer and our coach. We were supposed to work out today but when we got there, there was no trainer!! We had a parent call the trainer and what do you know?! He thought that our lifting started next week. So we got a hold of our coach who is still moving, and he said no workouts today come back on Tuesday the same time. Ha so instead of working out I had to go with my mom to the vet then we went through Taco Bell (Yo quiero Taco Bell!!). Funny who it turned out, I was going to workout to get fit and I went through Taco

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Summer Reading

Summer reading begins once again. Last year I had to read three books that I did not particularly enjoy, but then read one I did enjoy. I do enjoy reading just not with deadlines. I have never really minded summer reading I just procastinate like no other!! But this year, I'm going to get it done; and not on the day before school starts!! This summer I'm reading All Quiet on the Western Front, Mere Christianity, and To Kill a Mockingbird. I've started All Quiet on the Western Front and am enjoying it so far. It is a story about a boy named Paul Baumer who enlists with his classmates for the German army in World War I. The boys are only nineteen years old and are fighting in a violent war. So far the book is very well written and I am enjoying it, but we all know that could change very quickly!! Good luck with your own summer reading!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


WOW....for anyone who has not seen Titanic stop reading right now and go and watch it. However, if you do not like sad movies or love stories....well still go and watch it! This is a touching movie following two passengers on board named, Rose and Jack (these two people were not actual passengers on board the Titanic and THEIR story is fictional; however, there are passengers mentioned in the movie that were actually on board). Rose is engaged to be married to a total jerk! Like seriously he is awful!! Anyways, she almost throws herself off the side of the ship when she is fed up with all of high class society, when Jack (Leonardo Decaprio, I'm not sure if I spelled that right....oh well) convinces her to come back on board and saves her. I am not going to ruin the story and say what happens from there, but I will say this. I know there are probably some of you out there going 'I hate romance!'. Fair enough, but if you can just watch until the ship starts sinking it does get rather suspenseful. Winning 11 Academy Awards it is an amazing movie that I highly recommend!! But make sure you have time because it long!! So what are you doing?! Get up and go watch it!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

My Day Yesterday and Adventures With It

Yesterday, May 23, 2010, my cousin got baptized!! So I was able to go the the service and watch as she was baptized; it was really touching. After the service was over my Aunt's family one of my cousin's friends and my mom and I went to this really cool museum. However to get there, we had to drive for about an hour.....with me in the backseat of a van.....with my other cousin sitting back there with me. You might think 'Oh that's sounds like fun'. Well how would you like for someone to keep playing the same ringtones over and over and over and they just happen to be disturbingly annoying? Ya imagine that for an hour to the museum and about an hour and a half back. Fun, Fun, Fun! On the plus side we did end up playing Ninjas, which is totally awesome, and one of my friends ended up texting me, making the car ride more endurable (to said friend-Thank you so much for saving from my cousin! I owe you!). Anyways we got home and my mom grilled out and it was delicious!!! And as some people may know the finale of LOST was on last night.
I do not follow the show regularly, however my mom is one of the fanatics. After she told me they would be doing a recap on all that had happened throughout all six seasons, I decided I would watch it. However, when the recap was done and the actual finale started, I had already lost interest in the show! (hehe lost interest of LOST.....don't judge I'm easily amused!!) I mean, with all the time warps and parrallel universes or whatever how can anyone keep up!? Oh and here's my favorite part, six of the castaways get OFF the island and then they GO BACK?!!? What is up with that?!! Well needless to say I did not finish watching the finale. But do not fret, because my mom came upstairs and told me the ending. Apparently something along the lines of everyone dies.......except the dog......What is up with that? How did the dog survive and everyone else die? I'm not really sure how that one played out.....anyways there were also other alternate endings for the show that I did not watch. If anyone watched them feel free to let me know what happened cause personally that other ending is just kind sad.....well except the dog lived!! Yay!!


Ok so I have this aquarium in my room and I have three regular guppies and four baby guppies. Cute right? Well, I've noticed another one of fish is pregnant. So I was going to go get another breeder thing that separates the baby fish from the regular fish because the regular fish will sometimes eat the babies. Of course though I forgot that I needed to get the breeder and my pregnant fish (that sounds weird) had her babies last night!! So in desparation I tried to catch all the baby fish and move them into the breeder. So far I've caught three out of five I think....the only problem with the other two is that they're hidden by a ton of plants in the bottom back corner of the tank and I have a pretty substantial size tank.....HANG IN THERE LITTLE GUYS!!! I'm hoping that they'll move and I'll be able to catch them later because I've been at this for 40-50 minutes....I feel so bad I didn't get the breeder in time......Wish me luck!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Funny Cat and Dog Posters

Hehehehe.......does anyone else get these kind of emails? You know, the ones that have all the funny/cute cat and dog posters? Well this is one of them!!! I'll post others if I find any good ones.


According to the definition of random is "proceeding, made, or occurring without definate aim, reason, or pattern". So let's get started. My blog is not about anything in particular. I will be, as what the dictionary would say, random! Movies, books, music, sports, or anything that comes to mind will be on this blog. I am not trying to persuade anyone on any opinion. I am simply stating mine, but I would love to hear what you have to say about anything I post! (wow that wording was very awkward........oh well!) Comment, leave ideas, and let's get started!