Sunday, May 30, 2010

In Life....Sometimes You Need to Headbutt a Goat

"In life sometimes you need to headbutt at goat.." said a guy in my group at camp. Let me rewind a bit first. Our group at camp was going tubing that day. So we all put on our lifevests and headed to the mini river to go tubing down some rapids. Along the way we had tons of fun!! Some of the guys found an oar in the water and used that to propel them along, as if the rapids didn't do that enough!! We all laughed at each other as we flipped out of tubes, and we made long chains holding each others hands to get down the river. At one resting spot we spotted a goat. All of us went up to pet it except one guy in our group who tried to headbutt the goat!! Obviously the goat charged back in defense and the guy called the goat Satan. "Which is weird," said one of our group leaders. "Goats are suppossed to be holy." We got to the end of our tubing expedition and we had a devotional, since we were at a Christian camp. We tried to talk about how our lifevest and tube kept us from going under just like God, and how the counselors and friends along the way helped us get unstuck like in in life. We were having a hard time settling down and right when we calmed down they asked if we had anymore comments. Then a guy in our group said, "In life sometimes you need to headbutt a goat!" We all busted up laughing and couldn't see where he was going with it. Then one of our leaders spoke up. "I get what he's saying," he said. "In life sometimes there are things we know are hard to stand up to. But sometimes we need to stand up and face it because we know it is wrong." So let that be a word of some weird way....Stand up and headbutt that goat!!


  1. Haha..that is a really funny story..but it was encouraging....i liked that...

  2. Don't goats have horns? Horns would hurt to be headbutted a lot. Can I kick a goat instead?


  3. and smith....ya I guess so lol as long as you face whatever you're dealing with...and about the painful part...ya poor guy in my group at least the goat had small horns
