Monday, May 31, 2010

Only Me.....*sigh*

So today I went to an amusement park with my friend and mom. We were having tons of fun goofing off and riding all the rides; then we decided to go on the bumper cars....where something happened that could only happen to me. We were all driving around having fun when I turn one corner and THREE other cars do too at the same time.....thoughly jamming and blocking the other cars and getting stuck!! There was a whole line of people waiting to get on the ride and they had to call MAINTINANCE to get us unstuck. So me and the three other people had to get out of our cars to get them unstuck. I stood there laughing and embarrassed with another girl and we kept saying, "They can't just pull the cars out, no. They have to call maintinance!" It was really funny over all and I kept getting thumbs up from my mom and friend. Shortly after, the workers got our cars unstuck and get this.....the people in line applauded...of course! It was funny overall, but of course this could only happen to me!


  1. Hehe that is funny...and I've had that happen to me.


  2. ok at least i'm not alone haha

  3. I hate it when stuff like that happens!! Hi I'm Jewel. I have decided to follow your blog!

  4. OH MY GOSH! That random quote over there - my Bible teacher has that on a painting in her room!! Where did you hear it?

  5. Jewel...this blog is Michaelas....


  6. haha ya i had ms smith too lol

  7. haha..that is a hilarious story....
    When I hear about bumper cars, I think about the nascar speed park even though they were not bumper cars..thats too bad..and I am sure that Smith and Jewel know what I am talking about...Whew..that was fun though...haha..
    And nice Jewel...whose blog did you think this was? Haha..your so funny...
    Oh and I like that quote....

  8. thanks and ya some of the guys in my grade got kicked off of some of the rides at nascar speed park because they kept bumping into each other

  9. Haha..thats really funny. I don't think I heard of anyone in our grade....I ran into somebody that deserved being run into..haha.. But it was his fault...he made it look like I purposely ran into him when really I didn't have much of a choice. I could have like swerved or slammed the brakes or something...but running into him was much more fun..haha

  10. i know right lol we were out there in the rain for a little bit and i was getting into the car and a guy in my grade was like don't get hit by lightening i said thanks ashton thanks...haha

  11. haha..ya...thanks a lot..thats really encouraging..hehe..
    ya i had a lot of fun at that place..hehe...

  12. yes it was!! what was your favorite part of the trip? i liked carowinds i think....

  13. haha that was my favorite part too!! I'm a rollercoaster chick lol

  14. haha..ya me and my partner were just kinda neutral when we first got there..but then we ended up getting pulled onto the rollercoasters and we loved was amazing!

  15. it was!! we got in line to ride nighthawk again and we had these obnoxious 7th grade guys hitting on us and cussing and all that great stuff behind us in line the whole time...

  16. Haha...we were in line for something...idk what..and the people in front of us kept making out and the ones behind us kept and my friend were both like standing there awkwardly...

  17. haha there was this girl standing in line in front of me with her boyfriend at an amusement park yesterday (i'm not going to say the name cause it's semi close to where we live haha), and they made out the whole time and she kept looking at me and smirking and I kept thinking, "haha yes...i'm sooo jealous of you and your boyfriend who is shorter than me haha"

  18. haha..thats funny...ya these people had like no sense that we even and my friend both kept looking at each other like..umm..ok then..

  19. haha don't you hate people like that? i mean you can show little displays of affection without scarring those around you lol

  20. I know really..and these people made out like the whole time we were in line...i wanted to be like seriosly..yall are at an amusement park in line...

  21. haha you should see rome, is freakin ridiculous!! my parents and i were going onto the metro and i was going around a corner and i practically ran into these two people making out and they didn't even notice!! i was like really....

  22. haha..thats funny..ya..some people have no sense of courteousness or something...idk..they think it is fine to just like make out anywhere and anytime....

  23. well it should be a general rule that serious making out should not go on in public!! haha me and my bf never did that lol of course we never kissed cause we were like best friends haha

  24. haha..ya..I know that should be like a common sense rule...
    and haha..ya...that would make sense...hehe

  25. ya haha you think people would know better

  26. i know..ya..they apparently dont..haha....

  27. how is summer going for you so far

  28. pretty good but the really hectic stuff starts next week haha...what about you?

  29. it has been pretty good..we mainly have just been cleaning out stuff to move...

  30. hey have you heard if you only knew by savanna outen?

  31. thanks..ya it sucks..we are leaving in like 10 days..

  32. hey if you want some encourgament maybe you could read psalm 121? it talks about the Lord being with you wherever you go

  33. ok thank you..I know I have never met you face to face..but you are always really encouraging..thank you!!

  34. no problem :) i know i really appreciate it when people encourage me so i try to do the same for others

  35. Ya..Thank you!! I would love to meet you sometime!!

  36. haha you can talk to smith if you want my cell number haha he would give it to you :) and ya it'd be cool to meet you too

  37. haha..k..ill ask him...hehe.. he can give you mine too....

  38. haha ok he probably wouldn't give it to me immediately he would think i would tell you something embarrassing lol

  39. haha..well i will just text you..and then you can text me!! hehe..i probably wont get it until tomorrow though...haha

  40. haha ya well i'm going to try to get some sleep haha nice talking to you!!

  41. that sounds like a good idea!! and ya it was nice talking to you....
