Monday, July 5, 2010


OK so I might as well come out with it......I do love the Twilight series; but don't judge me yet!! I realize it is not a great classic and never will be. I realize there isn't really a whole lot of a plot, but I read the books and am seeing the movies for pure entertainment, and I do enjoy them. Anyways, I saw Eclipse last week when it was released in theaters, and wow! I really liked it!! It had humor, romance, and action, and I enjoyed it. The werewolves are great!! Now before you say, "Well of course you like them. You're a girl and the guys have their shirts off for most of the movie!" I won't deny that; however, the werewolves are just really funny!! Because they're not really old like the vampires and are teenagers, I can see the craziness that all of us teenagers have in the werewolves. The movie overall was great, but a total chick flick! (Guys, if your girlfriend likes these movies, take her to Eclipse, earn some brownie points!! :) ) There was a bit of unnecessary constant kissing but if you can get past that definately go check it out!


  1. LOVED this one over the last two. you were completely right.

  2. Thanks, and ya I really like this one. The fight scene was awesome!!
