Sunday, June 13, 2010

Long Time No Blog

Hey Everyone.....well everyone being like 2 people....maybe 3! Oh well, so I haven't posted in a while because my last week was so hectic!! I was a Jr. Counselor at a camp with weight training 3 days that week!! Anyways, I was working with ten year olds and I swear, I've never had to take so many kids to the nurses office before!! No one was seriously hurt, it was little things so no worries. So most of the kids were good with the occasssional show off or bragger (I don't even know if that last word is an actual word....). There was one kid, bless their heart, who was a bit overly dramatic, but I felt kinda bad for them. For example we would play battle dodge ball with those really squishy balls, the kind where it stings maybe a little but nothing more than that. So we would be playing and someone would throw the ball at them and they would get out and go off crying, saying they wanted to go home and wanted their mom......pitiful right? I felt so bad. But as soon as someone on their team caught the ball and everyone was able to come back in, they were ready to go!! There were many other......incidents with this kid, but I won't comment on those. Anyways, I'm doing it all again tomorrow with a different group at camp. The only difference of this upcoming week is I have weight training only one day and practice three days, so I'm pretty pumped!!! Have a good week!

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