Thursday, June 3, 2010

If You Only Knew

Ok so there's this great song that I love right now. It's called If You Only Knew and it's by Savanna Outen. She's really talented and you can check out the song on Youtube (and if you don't know what that is.....well where have you been? Under a rock? just kidding!). Anyways I'm starting being a counselor next week along with workouts so if I don't post for a's because camp and workouts is taking my life away haha. Oh well, that's it for now! Hope ya'll are having a great summer and go check out this awesome song!!


  1. Your random quote makes me want to ask if you go to CAK... I can't tell from the picture... And Hello! I'm Jacquie.

  2. Hey Jacquie!!!
    I will go and listen to that song. I always listen to music on YouTube..hehe..

  3. haha ya i go to said school.....

  4. haha.. i like that is cool..ya reading makes me tired as well, and music if i am laying down does too..haha...

  5. haha ya someone came up to me and was like, "good book huh? put you right to sleep!"

  6. haha..ya..where was that at?
