Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Locks of Love

OK, so today I want to give a shout out to this great organization that most of you are probably familiar with. It's called Locks of Love. "Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to finacially disadvantaged children under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis" (the Locks of Love website). I highly encourage, to anyone who is willing, to donate your hair to this organization. How to donate:

-The hair must be 10 inches long, tip to tip

-Hair must be in a ponytail or braid before it is cut

-Hair must be cleaned and completely dried before it is mailed in

-All hair donations must be mailed to: 234 Southern Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33405-2701

For more details about what is considered an acceptable donation (ex.: no bleached hair) go to this link below.

Check out the website and see if you might be interested in donating your hair to this great organization.

Monday, July 5, 2010


OK so I might as well come out with it......I do love the Twilight series; but don't judge me yet!! I realize it is not a great classic and never will be. I realize there isn't really a whole lot of a plot, but I read the books and am seeing the movies for pure entertainment, and I do enjoy them. Anyways, I saw Eclipse last week when it was released in theaters, and wow! I really liked it!! It had humor, romance, and action, and I enjoyed it. The werewolves are great!! Now before you say, "Well of course you like them. You're a girl and the guys have their shirts off for most of the movie!" I won't deny that; however, the werewolves are just really funny!! Because they're not really old like the vampires and are teenagers, I can see the craziness that all of us teenagers have in the werewolves. The movie overall was great, but a total chick flick! (Guys, if your girlfriend likes these movies, take her to Eclipse, earn some brownie points!! :) ) There was a bit of unnecessary constant kissing but if you can get past that definately go check it out!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Long Time No Blog

Hey Everyone.....well everyone being like 2 people....maybe 3! Oh well, so I haven't posted in a while because my last week was so hectic!! I was a Jr. Counselor at a camp with weight training 3 days that week!! Anyways, I was working with ten year olds and I swear, I've never had to take so many kids to the nurses office before!! No one was seriously hurt, it was little things so no worries. So most of the kids were good with the occasssional show off or bragger (I don't even know if that last word is an actual word....). There was one kid, bless their heart, who was a bit overly dramatic, but I felt kinda bad for them. For example we would play battle dodge ball with those really squishy balls, the kind where it stings maybe a little but nothing more than that. So we would be playing and someone would throw the ball at them and they would get out and go off crying, saying they wanted to go home and wanted their mom......pitiful right? I felt so bad. But as soon as someone on their team caught the ball and everyone was able to come back in, they were ready to go!! There were many other......incidents with this kid, but I won't comment on those. Anyways, I'm doing it all again tomorrow with a different group at camp. The only difference of this upcoming week is I have weight training only one day and practice three days, so I'm pretty pumped!!! Have a good week!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hence the Name "Blog of Random"

Well, I have a bunch of really random stuff to say, so I'm proud to say my blog lives up to its name!! Well first, I finish All Quiet on the Western Front for summer reading and the ending was sad!! Almost all the characters you are introduced to in the first chapter all die by the end of the book. But of course, it is a war novel and it is about the German soldiers in World War I; I guess I could have seen that all the main characters would die...

Second, today while I was reading I got to use these hammocks my dad got for my mom and me for Christmas. I know most of you are thinking, "Hammocks? For Christmas? How strange." And I can't say I disagree with you entirely; this was a pretty unique idea of my dad's, but let me explain. While in Honduras, the place we stayed at had a little dock which had hammocks at the end. This is where a lot of people did their surface intervals in between dives. (Surface intervals help bring down nitrogen levels after you least I think it's nitrogen...) My mom and I especially loved the hammocks, so my dad ordered some from Mexico, so we could enjoy them during the summer.

Third, my fish tank is full of freaking baby fish!! I swear one of my female guppies is like a breeding machine!! I have 8 babies in a little breeder thing, and 8 free swimming out in the open water!! I also got three panda corries, however one unfortunately died....

Finally, my hectic summer starts on Monday. I know that most of you are thinking, "Haven't you been on summer break already." The answer is yes, yes I have. Have I been doing anything? No, not really. You see starting on Monday until the end of June I am going to be a Jr. Counselor AND will have workouts 3 times a week!! Then in July, I'm going camping for a weekend then have practices all throughout July along with teamcamp and a sleep away camp with my friends. My summers are always really busy!!

Well that's all for now, hope everyone's having a great summer! Ciao!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

If You Only Knew

Ok so there's this great song that I love right now. It's called If You Only Knew and it's by Savanna Outen. She's really talented and you can check out the song on Youtube (and if you don't know what that is.....well where have you been? Under a rock? just kidding!). Anyways I'm starting being a counselor next week along with workouts so if I don't post for a's because camp and workouts is taking my life away haha. Oh well, that's it for now! Hope ya'll are having a great summer and go check out this awesome song!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Only Me.....*sigh*

So today I went to an amusement park with my friend and mom. We were having tons of fun goofing off and riding all the rides; then we decided to go on the bumper cars....where something happened that could only happen to me. We were all driving around having fun when I turn one corner and THREE other cars do too at the same time.....thoughly jamming and blocking the other cars and getting stuck!! There was a whole line of people waiting to get on the ride and they had to call MAINTINANCE to get us unstuck. So me and the three other people had to get out of our cars to get them unstuck. I stood there laughing and embarrassed with another girl and we kept saying, "They can't just pull the cars out, no. They have to call maintinance!" It was really funny over all and I kept getting thumbs up from my mom and friend. Shortly after, the workers got our cars unstuck and get this.....the people in line applauded...of course! It was funny overall, but of course this could only happen to me!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

In Life....Sometimes You Need to Headbutt a Goat

"In life sometimes you need to headbutt at goat.." said a guy in my group at camp. Let me rewind a bit first. Our group at camp was going tubing that day. So we all put on our lifevests and headed to the mini river to go tubing down some rapids. Along the way we had tons of fun!! Some of the guys found an oar in the water and used that to propel them along, as if the rapids didn't do that enough!! We all laughed at each other as we flipped out of tubes, and we made long chains holding each others hands to get down the river. At one resting spot we spotted a goat. All of us went up to pet it except one guy in our group who tried to headbutt the goat!! Obviously the goat charged back in defense and the guy called the goat Satan. "Which is weird," said one of our group leaders. "Goats are suppossed to be holy." We got to the end of our tubing expedition and we had a devotional, since we were at a Christian camp. We tried to talk about how our lifevest and tube kept us from going under just like God, and how the counselors and friends along the way helped us get unstuck like in in life. We were having a hard time settling down and right when we calmed down they asked if we had anymore comments. Then a guy in our group said, "In life sometimes you need to headbutt a goat!" We all busted up laughing and couldn't see where he was going with it. Then one of our leaders spoke up. "I get what he's saying," he said. "In life sometimes there are things we know are hard to stand up to. But sometimes we need to stand up and face it because we know it is wrong." So let that be a word of some weird way....Stand up and headbutt that goat!!