Well, I have a bunch of really random stuff to say, so I'm proud to say my blog lives up to its name!! Well first, I finish All Quiet on the Western Front for summer reading and the ending was sad!! Almost all the characters you are introduced to in the first chapter all die by the end of the book. But of course, it is a war novel and it is about the German soldiers in World War I; I guess I could have seen that all the main characters would die...
Second, today while I was reading I got to use these hammocks my dad got for my mom and me for Christmas. I know most of you are thinking, "Hammocks? For Christmas? How strange." And I can't say I disagree with you entirely; this was a pretty unique idea of my dad's, but let me explain. While in Honduras, the place we stayed at had a little dock which had hammocks at the end. This is where a lot of people did their surface intervals in between dives. (Surface intervals help bring down nitrogen levels after you dive....at least I think it's nitrogen...) My mom and I especially loved the hammocks, so my dad ordered some from Mexico, so we could enjoy them during the summer.
Third, my fish tank is full of freaking baby fish!! I swear one of my female guppies is like a breeding machine!! I have 8 babies in a little breeder thing, and 8 free swimming out in the open water!! I also got three panda corries, however one unfortunately died....
Finally, my hectic summer starts on Monday. I know that most of you are thinking, "Haven't you been on summer break already." The answer is yes, yes I have. Have I been doing anything? No, not really. You see starting on Monday until the end of June I am going to be a Jr. Counselor AND will have workouts 3 times a week!! Then in July, I'm going camping for a weekend then have practices all throughout July along with teamcamp and a sleep away camp with my friends. My summers are always really busy!!
Well that's all for now, hope everyone's having a great summer! Ciao!